Agenda 2017

{:no}We invite to a Flight Safety conference in Oslo and have put together the following agenda.

Monday 3rd April
19:00 Traditional Norwegian food and networking, followed by a presentation about P8 Poseidon, speaker Matthew J. Carreon, Boeing

Tuesday 4th April 
• 08:00 Registration and refreshments in the lobby
• 09:00 Welcome by FoF
• 09:10 Opening the conference, CAA director Norway, Lars Kobberstad
• 09:30 2016 «in review» a Global Safety Update, FoF
• 10:00 Today’s safety landscape, journalist David Learmount
• 10:30 Evidence Based Training (EBT) – the concept and implementation in an airline, John Kristoffersen, Lufttransport
• 11:00 Coffee – Networking Break
• 11:30 Human Factor – what makes it hard to land, Johan Bergström, Lund University and Go-Around / Missed approach, the decision, procedure and technique, can ATC make a difference? Capt. Gaute Bere Widerøe
• 12:30 How to communicate between Pilots and Controllers during a real emergency, Philippe Domogala, IFATCA
• 13:00 Lunch – Networking Break
• 14:20 The Green way to wash and de-ice aircraft, Anders Thorsland, MSG production
• 14:35 Short networking Break
• 15:00 Ditching on the Hudson, the event, aftermath and the status of the personnel, Emergency Response and Air Traffic Controllers support, by Capt Jeff Skiles, American Airlines (the co-pilot on the day)
• 19:30 Conference dinner

Wednesday 5th April
• 08:30 Registration and refreshments in the lobby
• 09:00 Opening remarks by the chair
• 09:05 Crew performance in loss of control events. What makes the difference? Nathalie de Ziegler, Air Operations advisor French BEA
• 09:50 Managing the aftermath of a crisis, Louise Cullinan, Airline Pilots Association ALPA
• 10:35 Just Culture implementation «punishing and rewarding» is it the best method to improve safety? Philippe Domogala, IFATCA
• 11:00 Coffee – Networking Break
• 11:30 Pilot Monitoring – what does it mean, what is the mandate given to PM? Capt. Magnus Sundström, SAS
• 12:15 Panel debate «Leasing – path of the post truth», Capt. Rolf Bakken, SAS, Journalist David Learmount, fagdirektør Morten Foss, Samferdselsdepartementet
• 12:45 FoF Quiz and sum up – the rest of the conference will be in Norwegian (subject to change)
• 13:00 Lunch – networking break – the conference will continue in Norwegian
• 14:00 Runway Incursion, Anne Chavez, Avinor
• 14:20 ATM separasjon og prosedyrer, Flight Safety ved Dubai Airport, Trym Fyrileiv, Avinor
• 14:40 Mer fokus på menneskelig faktor, Trond-Eirik Strand Luftfartstilsynet
• 15:00 Svolværundersøkelsen, Jon Sneltvedt, SHT
• 15:20 Avslutning, neste FoF 9. – 11. april 2018. Legg den allerede nå inn i din kalender{:}{:en}We invite to a Flight Safety conference in Oslo and have put together the following agenda.

Monday 3rd April
19:00 Traditional Norwegian food and networking, followed by a presentation about P8 Poseidon, speaker Matthew J. Carreon, Boeing

Tuesday 4th April 
• 08:00 Registration and refreshments in the lobby
• 09:00 Welcome by FoF
• 09:10 Opening the conference, CAA director Norway, Lars Kobberstad
• 09:30 2016 «in review» a Global Safety Update, FoF
• 10:00 Today’s safety landscape, journalist David Learmount
• 10:30 Evidence Based Training (EBT) – the concept and implementation in an airline, John Kristoffersen, Lufttransport
• 11:00 Coffee – Networking Break
• 11:30 Human Factor – what makes it hard to land, Johan Bergström, Lund University and Go-Around / Missed approach, the decision, procedure and technique, can ATC make a difference? Capt. Gaute Bere Widerøe
• 12:30 How to communicate between Pilots and Controllers during a real emergency, Philippe Domogala, IFATCA
• 13:00 Lunch – Networking Break
• 14:20 The Green way to wash and de-ice aircraft, Anders Thorsland, MSG production
• 14:35 Short networking Break
• 15:00 Ditching on the Hudson, the event, aftermath and the status of the personnel, Emergency Response and Air Traffic Controllers support, by Capt Jeff Skiles, American Airlines (the co-pilot on the day)
• 19:30 Conference dinner

Wednesday 5th April
• 08:30 Registration and refreshments in the lobby
• 09:00 Opening remarks by the chair
• 09:05 Crew performance in loss of control events. What makes the difference? Nathalie de Ziegler, Air Operations advisor French BEA
• 09:50 Managing the aftermath of a crisis, Louise Cullinan, Airline Pilots Association ALPA
• 10:35 Just Culture implementation «punishing and rewarding» is it the best method to improve safety? Philippe Domogala, IFATCA
• 11:00 Coffee – Networking Break
• 11:30 Pilot Monitoring – what does it mean, what is the mandate given to PM? Capt. Magnus Sundström, SAS
• 12:15 Panel debate «Leasing – path of the post truth», Capt. Rolf Bakken, SAS, Journalist David Learmount, fagdirektør Morten Foss, Samferdselsdepartementet
• 12:45 FoF Quiz and sum up – the rest of the conference will be in Norwegian (subject to change)
• 13:00 Lunch – networking break – the conference will continue in Norwegian
• 14:00 Runway Incursion, Anne Chavez, Avinor
• 14:20 ATM separasjon og prosedyrer, Flight Safety ved Dubai Airport, Trym Fyrileiv, Avinor
• 14:40 Mer fokus på menneskelig faktor, Trond-Eirik Strand Luftfartstilsynet
• 15:00 Svolværundersøkelsen, Jon Sneltvedt, SHT
• 15:20 Avslutning, neste FoF 9. – 11. april 2018. Legg den allerede nå inn i din kalender{:}